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Some Center Updates:

First and most fun…Our three babies are now old enough to have the run of the large cat room. And believe me, they take advantage of their new-found freedom. The room vibrates with kitten energy as our little ones pounce and stalk and attack anything that moves. Walking into the room yesterday I was accosted by two of these fierce hunters who saw my shoes as perfect targets in their game of catch and kill! Shuffling around with a kitten on each foot, I began my day. Mercedes, Aston and Lexus are ready and waiting for their forever homes and the more mature residents of the cat room are ready and waiting for a bit of peace and quiet!

Gardening doesn’t first come to mind when I think of volunteering at the Center, but the gardens are an important part of our facility. The gardens that surround the Center are poised to pop into spring, and along with the many beautiful flowers come the many beautiful weeds! I know that a weed is just a flower that has somehow strayed from its proper habitat, however, there are many weeds to pull and we are hoping many hands to pull them. Gardening is therapeutic and weed pulling can be done at your convenience since the Center can be closed, but the garden remains accessible. Bring a kneeling pad and your gloves and join in the fun of beautification.

Fundraising activities are in full swing and there are some very exciting upcoming events. First is the annual garage sale. This year it will be held in downtown Bellaire. Dates and times to follow, but save the first weekend in June! Donations are always welcome as are volunteers to price, organize and sell! It should be fun since MOKA is providing drinks and some snacks for our volunteer crew. Come and support our efforts to feed the coffers (dare I say feed the kitty?) while increasing public outreach and awareness for the Center and our beautiful animals.

Speaking of the residents of the Center…Our beautiful tuxedo cat, Yogi, found his forever family today! While I will certainly miss him, I am so happy for him and for the lucky family who took this remarkable cat home. If you would like your own personal Big Cat, Buddy and Grace are eagerly seeking employment as a perfect companion!

The ASPCA has designated May 3-10 as national “Be Kind to Animals Week”. I am sure you will agree that the other 51 weeks are equally designated! Come this week and practice being kind at the Center. There are many willing recipients of your generous donation of time and attention.

If you would like some free entertainment, let me pass on a website that has been a favorite of mine for some years now. This sophisticated and highly informative site monitors the lives of a pair of peregrine falcons who raise their yearly brood high on the bell tower of Derby Cathedral, in Derby, England. The site is the best I have found since they are the recipients of several technology grants that allow us to sit in our homes thousands of miles away and watch the egg laying, brooding, hatching and fledging of these remarkable birds. Currently the clutch stands at four beautiful rosy red eggs. First hatch is only days away! Give them a look—I am sure you will find it as fascinating as I do. There is audio so that in addition to the birds soft Kak Kak conversations, you can sometimes hear the Cathedral bell ringers practicing. The birds remain unimpressed! CC

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