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The Road Not Taken

I have always loved Robert Frost’s 1920 verse, “The Road Not Taken”. Perhaps because it speaks to some part of my own experience on the road more, rather than less, travelled. Or perhaps I just like the idea of striking out on a path around whose bend I cannot see. In any case, my current “road not taken” is the two-track dirt road that leads to With a Little Help From My Friends! And, with apologies to the Poet, I co-opted his title to refer to my thwarted goal of seeing my beloved creatures!


Yesterday morning as I was preparing to drive up with my granddaughter Samantha for my weekly shift at the Center, I received a warning that the road was closed due to impassably muddy conditions. I could easily envision the state of the road since for several weeks now I have been charging up and down in my mud-brown (formerly white) Subaru. Last week I convinced my cat-loving husband to follow me in his small truck so he could see Sammi’s babies. The truck is a two-wheel drive and I will leave to your imagination the horrors of his trek up and back.


Suffice to say, he will not be driving the truck up there anytime soon. MY POINT, you patiently ask?? Well folks, this is an occasion where flinging money at a problem will actually help to solve it! In my opinion, this is the best sort of problem to have. Illness, loss, despair…money alone cannot make the world come to rights. This problem, however, has a relatively simple solution, and it is that solution that I will gladly take on as my project. Currently I do not have the key to the money puzzle, however, the world is filled with clever, inventive, and caring people who I know will be willing to contribute ideas for fundraising.


So that is my hope—that in the next couple of weeks I can pick the brains of local talent, friends, movers and shakers, supporters and animal advocates for inspiration. Please add your comment to this blog, or you could, should you prefer, email me at: So…let’s get “on the road again” and make it possible to drive those “country roads” since currently the “long and winding road” is not always made of “yellow brick”…sorry, but you get the idea!

No blogging next week…Off to Washington D.C. for touristing amongst the cherry blossoms. Top of my to do list is the National Zoo for a glimpse of the Pandas!


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